速報APP / 遊戲 / Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear

Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear



檔案大小:115.5 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear(圖1)-速報App

Make and decorate your own gingerbread cookies to bring them to life! Mmmm..

Join Alfredo the Chef in the kitchen rolling dough and using stencils to cut gingerbread shapes before baking them to perfection in the oven. Then design your own gingerbread man from scratch by choosing from hundreds of different decorating combinations!

Once you've finished decorating your yummy masterpiece, if you're feeling generous you can share your gingerbread with friends OR more likely, you can have a quick nibble without worrying about the calories!

Also hidden in the app is a Bonus Game to be found once you've finished decorating!

So leave the mess of the kitchen, and start having Gingerbread Fun!

Main Features

Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear(圖2)-速報App

- Multiple cooking steps (without the kitchen mess!)

- Choose from a selection of gingerbread stencils

- Overcooking feature to test your cooking skills!

- Decorating stage with a vast range of options to personalize your design

- Custom frosting tools to make your creation extra tasty!

- Eat or share your gingerbread via email or Facebook, or save it to show your friends

Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear(圖3)-速報App

- Hidden Bonus Game once you've finished decorating. Help Alfredo collect as many gingerbread shapes as possible!


- This App is free to play but certain in-game items may be purchased for real money. You may restrict in-app purchases by disabling them on your device.

- By downloading this App you agree to Bluebear's Privacy Policy: http://www.bluebear.ie/foodpass_privacy.php

- Please consider that this App may include third parties services for limited legally permissible purposes.

Terms of Use: http://www.bluebear.ie/foodpass_terms.php

Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear(圖4)-速報App

Privacy Policy: http://www.bluebear.ie/foodpass_privacy.php

Gingerbread Fun! by Bluebear(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad